Admission Procedure

Admission are opened in our school from the first week of May.  Following procedure has been evolved to help the parents / guardians seeking admission for their wards, in our school are requested fulfill all the essential documents.

Admission Form

Parents / Guardians are requested to complete the admission form with all details and provide the essential documents correctly and submit it to the school office within office hours.  Admission will be given by complying rules and regulation of the school.

Age of Pupil

Kids seeking admission in Nursery must be in the age group of 2 years 6 months to 3 years 6 months as on 1st July of the academic year.

Admission Tests from Class 1st Onwards

All children registered with the school are eligible for admission tests which are in Maths, English, General Knowledge, Hindi & Science.  The idea is to test the caliber of the child.  If a student qualify in written test, he/she will be appeared for interview.  There will be individual interview for the parents to evaluate the background of children, to know their potentiality and awareness regarding education.  The decision of the Principal will be final.  The test programme shall be conducted as per the dates announced by the school.

Results Declaration

Results of the admission test will be announced on the school notice board.  Only the students qualifying in the admission tests are eligible for enrolment in the respective classes subject to number of seats available and their merit order.  The dates are enrolment for qualifying pupil and payment of school fee etc., will have to be strictly followed as per the announcement by the school.