Fee Detail

Class Nur. To K.G. II
Admission 5000
Caution money 1000
Medical 300
Exam 1000
Activity 1300
Tuition 3600
Total of 1st. Inst. 12200
2nd to 4th Inst. 3600*3=10800
Total 23000
Class 1st to 5th
Admission 5000
Caution money 1000
Medical 300
Exam 1000
Activity 1300
Computer 1000
Tuition 4650
Total of 1st. Inst. 14250
2nd to 4th Inst. 4650*3=13950
Total 28200
Class 6th to 8th
Admission 5000
Caution money 1000
Medical 300
Exam 1150
Activity 1300
Computer 1000
Science 500
Tuition 5250
Total of 1st. Inst. 15500
2nd to 4th Inst. 5250*3=15750
Total 31250
Class 9th to 10th
Admission 5000
Caution money 1000
Medical 300
Exam 1700
Activity 1300
Computer 1000
Science 600
Tuition 5850
Total of 1st. Inst. 16750
2nd to 4th Inst. 5850*3=17550
Total 34300
Class 11th to 12th (Science)
Admission 7000
Caution money 1000
Medical 300
Exam 2500
Activity 1300
Practical 1100
Tuition 6300
Total of 1st. Inst. 19500
2nd to 4th Inst. 6300*3=18900
Total 38400
Class 11th to 12th (Commerce)
Admission 7000
Caution money 1000
Medical 300
Exam 2500
Activity 1300
Practical 500
Tuition 6300
Total of 1st. Inst. 18900
2nd to 4th Inst. 6300*3=18900
Total 37800