Labs & Library

Library :

We have a vast collection of quality books. In order to promote reading habits among students, we have a very good selection of books on different subjects, English & Hindi literature books mint for children, Mythological & books on different religion 25000 books. Our collection includes National and International reference books, various encyclopedia, science journals etc.


Computer lab:

We commenced our computer education in 1998. At present we have a well furnished computer laboratory with 40 PC, well trained and highly qualified teachers impart the computer education. We have a separate section for computer books in our library. Shortly i.e. from 2nd May 2011. We are going to start Diploma courses in Hardware and Networking evening classes for the benefit of students & part timers.


Physics lab:

Physics laboratory is well equipped & have a capacity to accommodate around 35-40 students. As per the given curriculum all the essential equipments are available to the students to perform practical under the supervision of their subject teacher.

The equipments like P.O.Box potentio meter, tangent galvanometer, deflection magnetometer, different types of batteries, Physical balance etc are used by the students to understand the topics more easily. The students prepare many modals and projects essential for their study. Recently innovations are done in Physics lab to make it advanced and modern with rest technologies. By Audio-visual aids practicals are made more effective which make student curious about the subject.


Biology Lab:

  • The Biology laboratory is spacious having capacity to organize experiments for 25 to 30 students at a time. Around 100 charts are there to assist the students.
  • The laboratory is well equipped containing around 200 plants and animals specimens and models, 10 compound microscope, 7 dissecting microscope for the benefit of students.
  • All the practical related with the syllabus are done by the students taking their individual time under the guidance of their subject teacher.

Chemistry Lab:

  • The chemistry laboratory is well equipped with all the essential equipments needed for the experiments according to syllabus, allowing 35-40 students at a time to perform practical at a time.
  • Laboratory has all the chemical compounds, chemical reagents, apparatus like 8 chemical balance, 2 electronic balance, kipp’s apparatus, Bunsen’s burners, burettes, pipettes, conical flasks etc. Reaction charts are also available.
  • There is also facility to prepare some chemicals in the laboratory like Aspirin, Iodoform, Mohr’s salt etc., through which the students acquire real practical knowledge.