We are forward looking for institution and have many future plans for expansion. As the years go by, each year we shall be adding more classes. We shall also improve upon many other existing facilities as the school grows. Close circuit T.V. in each classis proposed to be installed, so that the principal can monitor the classroom proceedings of each class efficiently.
Computer Education : Ten years back we started compulsory computer education from 5th to 12th std. After three years it was started from 3rd std, and for last three years from 1st std. In lower classes they started reciting poems in English & Hindi with proper pronunciation rapidly. it also helps them in English conversation and correct phonetics. thus they develop confidence in conversation with each other in English.
We have added the facility of informing day to days progress of the student to parent about the attendance of the pupil, homework given in subject & non completion of homework, holiday, behavior in class, diet etc. through S.M.S. To each parent in the evening.
Audio visual hall having accommodation of 100 chairs with all modern amenities have been in use to teach difficult subject with the help of modern C.D’s specially prepared for each subject.
From 1st may 2011 we are going to start JEEJA INSTITUTE of Computer Hardware & Networking to impart Certification courses in computer. These classes shall be conducted in the evening for the benefit of students & part timers.
These classes shall be conducted under the auspices of C.S.P.S. Many other plans are also haunting in our dreams such as to start technical college and further many more. We are lacking behind only due to shortage of funds & a suitable land.