Chhatrapati Shivaji Public School is run by Shree Kshatriya Maratha Samaj public trust Indore.
Being one of the senior and founder member of this institution, I am contented with the progress we have achieved so far. Starting from 42 students the number has reaches 800 at present from Nursery to 12th.
As for the academic education is concerned we have been giving 100% result in Board Exams.
Inspite of this we have been achieving rewards up to national level in games and other-Co-curricular activities. This all credit goes to the devoted teachers of the institution.
As our school adorned with the name of ‘Shivaji’. In real sense he was the noble son of mother land. For ever he is known for moral character, bravery, justice & his farsightedness, His immensely reachered Gurilla wartackties lies is even today being practiced and taught in military academics all over the world.
Our School represents the rare breed of students who are not only students but personalities in the future. Who will have very wider vision not for their own self but always for the society nation and humanity. Our aim is to provide excellent education in affordable fees structure to all the classes and creed of the society.
Again with confidence I hope that ‘Chhatrapati Shivaji Public school’ will progress with the same sprit and enthusiasm in future.
With best wishes
Mr.Ravindra Somvanshi